Pee-Wee's Playhouse
Pee-Wee's Playhouse

Pee-wee often claimed the Playhouse and everything in it to be all his and he often played the role of an authority figure to prove his point during various children's games, becoming power-drunk and exaggerating the role he was playing to an extreme scale (playing a judge, a boss, a librarian, and even a doctor, just to name a few). During these games, he gave everyone else the "lesser" positions in each game (such as readers customers in his library in Love that Story, courtroom employees in Heat Wave,or passengers and crew members on his airliner in Rebarella and treated them in a very abusive manner—pretty much like slaves. This behavior often involved shouting, name calling and overall verbal abuse (rather than physical abuse), intended to communicate that he is the one in charge and not them.

The tables were eventually turned once and for all in the final episode, when Miss Yvonne finally snapped and said "How could you ever think of selling the Playhouse without asking us first? It belongs to us, Pee-wee! You remember it’s our playhouse too!"

Ironically it is during these games that he actually acts very adult-like as well, as he shows flat-out intolerance for screaming and noisemaking in general.

As Reubens himself admitted in-character as Herman at the 2011 San Diego Comic Con when speaking about mistreating Frankie and Annette, he is merely following the script and that he is not really mean to his friends off-camera.
