Pee-Wee's Playhouse
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Miss Yvonne was a frequent visitor to the playhouse; obsessed with fashion and beauty; commonly proclaimed as "The Most Beautiful Woman in Puppetland" by Pee-Wee and his Playhouse characters such as Chairry.


Symbolizing the common "girl next door" trope. Miss Yvonne is often paired with Cowboy Curtis, who does things together with Herman, and in one episode asked out Cowboy Curtis on a date, where Herman helped Cowboy Curtis prepare for it by first going on a practice run with Cowntess. Despite this, she is shown to be boy-crazy during the show, including Conky Repairman Johnny Wilson, Tito, Ricardo and Fireman Frank, though she never pursued a committed romantic relationship with any of these gentlemen. She also seems to occasionally show feelings for Herman himself, and he with her based on his interactions with her, even though the latter acts like a spoiled brat most of the time and not a mature man.

On a few occasions on Playhouse, Yvonne has shown that she can act very manipulative towards Herman, usually in an attempt to influence him into making a decision that will likely go in her favor, resulting in his anger and some sharp rebukes. The two main instances of this misbehavior are Luau for Two and Heat Wave.

Her first name being "Yvonne" was confirmed by Chicky Baby when she thanked her in Luau for Two for styling her hair ("Thanks, Yvonne! It's out of sight! Perfect for my date tonight!"). This occurs again in Conky's Breakdown.

In Ants in Your Pants, she calls Conky her favorite robot, and in Fire in the Playhouse she calls him "my darling".

In the episode Miss Yvonne's Visit, it is revealed to us that while she has great beauty and a warmhearted image, Yvonne actually is a terrible, slovenly houseguest—her dresses are strewn about all over the place and she does not clean up after herself. She also has several movers/bodyguards employed in her service (including a fellow resembling Ricardo who is played by actor Vic Trevino), and whenever she travels anywhere she literally takes her makeup and beauty supplies with her to maintain her famous beauty.

The character was played by Lynne Marie Stewart, who had also worked with Paul Reubens in the film Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, although not as Miss Yvonne. In the film, she played an actress who was frustrated at trouble on the set over a pretentious child actor who has Pee-Wee's bike. Another film she did was the 1987 film The Running Man, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Somewhat akin to Miss Yvonne, Stewart played an audience member who gushed over the host and selected a hockey-themed "Stalker" named "Subzero" to try and kill Arnold. Subzero was played by Professor Toru Tanaka, who also played Francis' butler in Pee-Wee's Big Adventure.

The character first appeared in The Pee-wee Herman Show, also played by Stewart.


Miss Yvonne is a gorgeous and elegant woman in her early-40s and is of a French-American descent (because of the origin of her name). She has big and bright brunette hair worn in a 1950s bouffant, has a voluptuous figure, and is five inches shorter than Pee-Wee without her stilettos.

Her gaudy attire consists of a pastel-colored prom or bridesmaid-type ballgowns with many petticoats and crinolines, she loves to wear diamonds and pearls, and wears white stilettos or slip-on shoes.

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