Series Name | |
Season 5, Episode 1 | |
Air date | September 15, 1990 |
Written by | John Moody & Doug Cox |
Directed by | John Paragon & Paul Rubens |
Episode Guide | |
previous I Remember Curtis |
next Mystery |
Conky’s Breakdown is the 1st episode of Pee-Wee's Playhouse season 5.
Episode Plot[]
Pee-wee puts on "The Billy Baloney Show." and then goes to Conky for today's secret word. Conky prints a card, revealing the secret word to be "grrrrr", which catches Pee-wee somewhat off-guard, but he shrugs it off. Then, Conky apologizes, claiming something is wrong, and prints another card, this time revealing the actual secret word: "great".
Conky suddenly malfunctions, and everyone suggests remedies for his malfunction. Conky thanks everyone for their suggestions, but states that most of them are not right for him, and he suddenly becomes almost "dead" completely (really, in a very deep sleep) when Mrs. Rene messes with him and finds a loose spring. As she leaves, Conky sputters and sparks. Everyone "mourns" while Conky sleeps. On Globey's suggestion, Pee-wee finds the Conky 2000 owner's manual that he got when he first bought him, but takes Conky apart in his attempt to fix him himself, Conky having woken from his being "dead" earlier, claims robots don't feel pain, so this doesn't hurt him. When the King of Cartoons arrives to show a cartoon (Foxy's final short, One More Time) and remedy the situation, Pee-wee calls the company on the Picturephone and they send Johnny Wilson, the authorized Conky Repairman, to fix Conky and upgrade him.
Pee-wee wants to help save his friend, but Johnny tells him he should stay out of the way for now and that he's got everything under control. Pee-wee makes Conky a get-well card in the meantime, and Johnny shows a "El Hombre" cartoon to keep Pee-wee entertained. Conky is soon fixed, and Johnny tells Pee-wee that Conky just needed a tune-up and some upgrades, and it's always best to hire a qualified repairman when it comes to fixing mechanical and electronic things around your home, as it takes far less time and effort. He then leaves with the enamored Ms. Yvonne, who hopes to break something to keep him around.
- Pee Wee Herman
- Billy Baloney
- Dirty Dog
- Cool Cat
- Chicky Baby
- Chairry
- Flowers
- Floory
- Dog Chair
- Mr. Window
- Fish
- Conky
- Ants (cameo)
- Chandelier (cameo)
- Mr. Kite (cameo)
- Clocky
- Globey
- Mrs. Rene
- King of Cartoons
- Conky Repairman Johnny Wilson (debut)
- El Hombre
- Pterri
- The Dinosaur Family
- Miss Yvonne
- Magic Screen (cameo)
- Mrs. Rene, King of Cartoons, Johnny Willson, and Miss Yvonne visit in this episode.
- This is the second time that it is revealed that Miss Yvonne's real first name is Yvonne. The first time was Luau for Two back in Season 1.
- Although their friendship was explored in previous episodes, this is one of the few times where Pee-wee mentions that Conky is his best friend. He does this at the end of the episode before he leaves on the Scooter Eject.
- The show is now filmed with cameras that are far less grainy than the ones used to film the previous seasons; the picture, frame rate and resolution could be said to be nearly high-definition (which was impressive in 1990).
- A new opening sequence was introduced. This time, it shows Pee-wee riding on his scooter to his playhouse rather than away from the playhouse, there is new "valley and mountain" footage, and showing clips from past openings, as well as clips from various episodes. The theme song has been modified with extra sound effects, omitting the synthesized vocal instrument going "ha, ha, ha, ho ho, ha, ha, ha".
- This new intro plastered the Season 2 intro on all post-1990 airings and Home Video releases of the Season 4 episodes.
- Conky is heavily focused on in this episode. His family is revealed in the following episode.
- Conky's previously-revealed hardware accessories (his RADAR and smoke alarm systems from season 1) are implied to also deactivate when Conky shuts down.
- Jimmy Smits played Johnny, who also played Bail Organa from Star Wars.
- El Hombre is shown in this episode.
- The secret word is said and screamed at 6 times, but "grrrrr" was screamed at only once.
- Pee-wee uses Crayola crayons while making his get-well card for Conky.
- Mrs. Rene and the King of Cartoons returned.
- The first episode where Magic Screen does not speak.
- Randy, Jambi, Penny and the Cowntess do not appear in this episode.
- Pee-wee asks Chairry what a bear does in the woods when he thinks that "grrrrr" is the secret word. This is in reference to the rhetorical question "Does a bear s**t in the woods?"
- When Johnny searches for his wrench, Miss Yvonne asks him, "Is that a wrench in your pocket?" This is a reference to a quote often attributed to Mae West, "Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
- Yvonne: (gasps) Conky, are you okay?
- (Johnny carries Conky's head over to his body.)
- Conky 2000: Well, right now, I'm feeling kind of lightheaded.
- Johnny Wilson: Hi. (to Conky) I'm almost finished here, Conky.
- Yvonne: Oh, well, who's this?
- Johnny Wilson': Johnny Wilson, authorized Conky repairman, at your service, miss.
- Yvonne: Yvonne.
- Herman: How do you feel, Conky?
- Conky: Great!
- (Everyone screams as "great" flashes on screen)
- Herman: What was wrong with Conky, Johnny?
- Johnny Wilson: Oh, nothing serious. He just needed a little tune up. And you know, when it comes to fixing mechanical and electronic things around the house it's always being to hire a qualified repairman. He has the right tools, and he knows how to use 'em.
- Yvonne: Awwww. Hey Johnny, do you mind swinging by my house? I'm sure there's something there that needs to be fixed. And if not, we can break something.
- (Herman groans and rolls his eyes.)
- Johnny Wilson: Well, I'd be glad to, miss.
- Herman, Conky, and the others: (annoyed) YVONNE!!
- Chairry: The Playhouse won't be the same without Conky.
- Floory: The Playhouse won't be the same? Whattaya mean?
- Mr. Window: No more secret words?
- Pee-wee: Gee. I don't even wanna think about a Playhouse without secret words.
- Pee-wee: Are you sure this doesn't hurt, Conky?
- Conky: No, Pee-wee. The good thing about being a robot is that I don't feel pain.
- Pee-wee: Well, I guess that's one advantage to being a robot.
- Secret word: great (mistaken to be 'grrrrr' due to Conky's malfunction)
- Connect-the-dots: none
- Snack: none
- Wish: none
- Herman does not give Conky the get-well-soon cards that he made for his best friend.